Faculty Advisory Board member and devoted alumnus, Ram Panda, brings up need for sustainability in engineering practices. The Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (ISEAD) is subsequently established, thanks to Panda’s support.

The Department of Bioengineering is established with the help of alumnus, Marika Roy, whose generous $1.5 million gift creates the first Endowed Chair in Bioengineering. Prof. Dan Nicolau is appointed the Marika Roy Chair in Bioengineering. This is the first Chair named after a woman.
The Trottier Insititute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED) is established through a generous $10 million gift from committed alumnus Lorne Trottier, via the Lorne Trottier Family Foundation. ISEAD’s programs and activities are now incorporated under this broader-based Institute, enabling the Faculty of Engineering to have further university outreach and public interaction. Prof. Subhasis Ghoshal becomes TISED’s first Director in 2013.

The Knowledge Infrastructure Program (KIP) renovations of the Macdonald Engineering Building are completed. Notable upgrades include a six-storey glass atrium, an elevator, improved energy systems, ventilation, plumbing, and reconfigured office and lab spaces to benefit research, study, and administrative operations.
The Innovations Catalyst in Engineering (ICE) office is established, thanks to a gift from alumnus William Seath. The William and Rhea Seath Awards (WRSA) in Engineering Innovation annual competition is launched.

Faculty of Engineering initiative, eLATE (Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Engineering) is launched, thanks to a foundational gift from an anonymous alumnus towards the Teaching Enhancement Initiative in 2012. Its mission is to promote excellence in teaching and learning and develop a culture of life-long learners. Dr. Maria Orjuela-Laverde joins as Pedagogical Lead. Prof. Lawrence Chen is appointed first Academic Lead of the initiative in 2017.
The interfaculty graduate program in Biological and Biomedical Engineering (BBME) is approved. BBME joins researchers from Engineering’s Department of Bioengineering and Medicine’s Department of Biomedical Engineering.
The John D. Thompson Entrepreneurial Development Seminar is launched, thanks to the generosity of alumnus Mr. John D. Thompson, BEng’57. The seminar’s goal is to inspire entrepreneural culture and spirit across McGill.
Prof. Jeffrey Bergthorson is named the first Ram Panda Scholar. This Scholar position supports exploratory and highly innovative research in sustainability and advances and enriches the teaching and research programs launched by TISED.

The Department of Bioengineering admits a first cohort of students into the new undergraduate program in Bioengineering. The program becomes one of the very few undergraduate degrees of its kind offered in Canada. It is also the only program that places emphasis on providing solid foundations in both engineering and biology principles.
Faculty of Engineering initiative, eIDEA (Engineering Inclusivity Diversity and Equity Advancement), is launched. Headed by Associate Dean Fabrice Labeau, eIDEA engages and aims to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community within the Faculty and throughout McGill.
The Innovations Catalyst in Engineering (ICE) is rebranded as the McGill Engine (the Innovation and Entrepreneurship hub at the Faculty of Engineering). Prof. Benoit Boulet is appointed as Director and Katya Marc is appointed as Associate Director.

Architect and alumnus Peter Guo-hua Fu donates $12 million dollars to the School of Architecture. A portion of the gift is used to create the Peter Guo-hua Fu Fellowships. In recognition of Fu’s vision and generosity, the School is named the Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture.
The Centre for Systems, Technologies and Applications for Radiofrequency and Communications (STARaCom) is established through the granting support of FRQNT in May. STARaCom launches in December, naming Prof. David Plant (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) as Director, and Prof. Jean-Jacques Laurin (Polytechnique Montréal) as Co-Director. The objective of the Centre is to establish conditions favouring a collaborative environment based on a culture of resource sharing.
Prof. Laxmi Sushama is appointed as the first Trottier Chair in Sustainable Engineering and Design. Sushama conducts first-rate climate research and continues to have significant influence on climate research and on adaptation strategies of private and public bodies.

The Faculty of Engineering receives McGill University’s award for Equity & Community Building in the Team Category.

Faculty of Engineering initiative, Empower, is launched. Its focus is on empowering students through engagement and experiential learning, with a mission to create globally minded leaders equipped to solve problems that matter.

Prof. Viviane Yargeau is appointed Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering, making her the first female Chair in the Faculty’s history.
Prof. Francois Bouffard is appointed as the first John M. Bishop and family Faculty Scholar. This award, established through the endowed gift to the Faculty from John M. Bishop, BEng’47, in 2016, is intended to support the reduction of society’s dependency on non-renewable resources.

The McGill Rocket Team wins first place at Spaceport America Cup against over 100 international teams.

The McGill Engine Centre opens in the Frank Dawson Adams Building. The new space focuses on supporting technologically based innovation and entrepreneurship and helping develop the next generation of innovators at McGill University, in collaboration with the McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship and the Office of Innovation and Partnership.

Alumnus Les Vadasz and his wife Judy Vadasz make a landmark $15 million donation to enhance the prestigious Vadasz Doctoral Fellowship program, deepening their support for outstanding PhD students who pursue research in the Faculty of Engineering. This gift builds on the couple’s remarkable legacy of supporting graduate students at the Faculty since 2008. The fellowships have had a significant impact on graduate research and PhD enrollment, which has grown by 63 per cent since 2005. To date, 176 students have benefitted from the Vadasz Doctoral Fellowships.
The new Software Engineering Co-op in the Department of Electric and Computer Engineering is approved. It is slated to begin in the 2021-2022 academic year.

The McGill Mining Team wins the 2019 World Mining Competition held in Saskatoon.
In light of the global pandemic, researchers throughout the Faculty channel efforts towards the fight against COVID-19.
The Faculty of Engineering’s undergraduate program in Bioengineering is accredited.
The Graduate Engineering Equity Committee (GEEC) wins McGill’s Equity and Community Building Team Award.
McGill’s Department of Mining and Materials Engineering ranks as the 4th best program of its kind in 2021 QS World University Ranking.