A new name and an evolving mission
On June 1, 1968, Edward C. Webster oversaw the Department of Extension transiting into the Centre for Continuing Education, with a growing mission: “There are two motivations for extension or continuing education programs. One is the desire – some would say duty – of the university to contribute to its community. The second is the need to make the citizens aware of the university and its facilities”.

The Extension Department should also take the University, its knowledge and its insight to those who give leadership in community and world affairs, and to others who may contribute, if they are unable to come and get it
Edward C. Webster, Report to the Committee on Continuation Studies. September 20, 1967.

Francophone enrolment and offerings grow
The Centre for Continuing Education offered dozens of French-language and translation courses in this decade, with an average of 500 registrations in its summer language programs. Nearly a quarter of the school’s 10,000 students were Francophones.