The Seagram Sport Science Centre, within the Department of Physical Education, was officially opened.
The Canada-South Africa Education Management Program, supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), was established. Also, the Partnership for School Improvement, a multiple stakeholder initiative in education, was established in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in Quebec, Quebec school boards and teacher unions.
The Partnership for Leadership and Learning was created with the support of a major grant from the Bank of Nova Scotia.
Concurrent Bachelor of Education degree programs were offered in collaboration with the Faculties of Music and Science.
Dr. Ratna Ghosh became the first female Dean of the Faculty. Dr. Ghosh was also the first Faculty Member to be elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (1999), and was decorated with the Order of Canada (2000) and the Order of Quebec (2005).
Dr. J. Andrew Large became the first holder in Canada of a named chair in Library and Information Studies: the “CN-Pratt-Grinstad Chair in Library and Information Studies”.
The McGill University Senate officially approved two education research centres: the International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors (YGI), and the Evolution Education Research Centre (EERC).
Strong links were formed to professional constituencies through teaching and research innovations, such as the laptop program and inclusive education research with the New Frontiers English School Board.
The Faculty introduced two Tier 1 Canada Research Chairs, a significant first for Education. The Department of Integrated Studies in Education’s PhD of record was approved to replace Ad Hoc Degrees.