Dentistry becomes a Faculty

Dentistry becomes a Faculty

On October 4, 1919, at a meeting of the Faculty of Medicine, chairman of the Dental Executive A.W. Thornton raised the question of establishing a separate Faculty of Dentistry.

Dean A.W. Thornton

As of January 26 1920, the motion was ratified, and that day marks the creation of the McGill Faculty of Dentistry. A.W. Thornton would assume the first deanship of the Faculty of Dentistry, as it was his vision that helped make it reality.

The faculty was housed in the east wing of the classic gray-stone Strathcona Building, where it would maintain operations until the creation of a new state-of-the-art facility in 2014 [A new facility to launch the next era in the Faculty of Dentistry].

Dr. Hart and Students in a dental classroom

Soon after, the Faculty of Dentistry would also innovate in its student composition by enrolling its first female student [First woman admitted to the Faculty], which was previously not possible due to the Faculty of Medicine’s policies.