Bicentennial Mini-Science: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Reason

April 8, 2021

With Doina Precup, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill University

Dr. Precup’s presentation will focus on Deep Learning and the latest developments in the field. She will explain her interest in researching machine decision-making in situations where uncertainty is high.

Doina Precup is a Romanian researcher who specializes in artificial intelligence. She completed an MA in Science at the University of Cluj-Napoca in 1995, followed by an MA and PhD at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1997 and 2000, respectively. She currently leads the DeepMind office in Montreal, a project spearheaded by Google. She is also currently conducting research on reinforcement learning at DeepMind, analyzing how AI applications can have a social impact in fields such as healthcare. She is also a senior fellow of the Canadian Institute for the Advanced Research, fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and a member of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms. She has also decided to get involved in correcting the gender imbalance within the discipline and is the co-founder and advisor of the AI4Good Lab, an organization which aims to enroll more women into the field of artificial intelligence.

The Mini-Science series is brought to you with the generous support of the Trottier Family Foundation.