Kathy MacLean

Photo of Kathy MacLean

Kathy MacLean

Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
1981 - Present '

Kathy graduated from the Macdonald Campus (“Mac”) in 1981. Already as a student, she was actively involved in university life. Upon graduation, she accepted a job at McGill, and in 1988, she moved to Macdonald Campus to serve as Assistant to the Dean. She has been a champion of Mac ever since. Kathy held various positions over the years, developing a rich portfolio of skills and expertise. She is extremely knowledgeable about the faculty, the University, and the institution’s alumni. She keeps in touch with many former and current staff and faculty.

Kathy’s sense of commitment to the faculty makes her the ultimate unsung hero. She has taken on innumerable special tasks and spearheaded many initiatives and projects — always with the utmost attention to detail, the highest level of professionalism and perseverance. She is never shy to speak her mind. Her contributions to the faculty, whether as part of a committee, representing the faculty within the broader McGill community, or fulfilling a mandate in her portfolio, are always thoughtful, reflective and broad-minded.

Everyone on campus knows Kathy, as one piece of her large portfolio is compiling and sending “Mac Connections”, a weekly electronic newsletter. She is a bridge builder, facilitator and spokesperson; a trusted advisor, holder of institutional memory; a colleague and friend to everyone. Never one to seek accolades, she has served McGill and Macdonald Campus with passion for close to 40 years and continues to do so — a true unsung hero!

Nominated by a colleague at University Advancement