Jennifer Stephenson

Photo of Jennifer Stephenson

Jennifer Stephenson

Schulich School of Music
1983 - Present'

Jennifer Stephenson has worked tirelessly at the Schulich School of Music for many years, juggling, listening to, and solving countless student and faculty problems and challenges.

Ms. Stephenson has done scheduling work that boggles the mind, sorting out thousands of demands many times per year for auditions, recitals, and juries, while answering hundreds of questions from faculty and students every day.

Jennifer has been the public face of the Schulich School to the thousands of applicants to the programs, dealing with inquiries that have not always been polite, with unfailing grace and compassion. She has dealt with and solved hundreds of faculty problems, also with thoughtfulness and patience.

The Schulich School of Music has grown from the small, local faculty that it was forty years ago to a thriving school with a huge international profile. Though number of support staff has not increased very much, the level of excellence of Jennifer’s work has never diminished.

In a faculty filled with inspiring, world class colleagues, no one deserves the Unsung Heroes title more than she.

Nominated by an individual at the Schulich School of Music.