Faculty of Science

Bicentennial STARS: The importance of declining amphibians

May 26, 2021

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This STARS presentation with graduate student Jessica Ford from the Green Herpetology Lab will show us how the environment changes when local amphibians are in decline, and what some of the factors causing these declines are. You may even get to see some real live endangered animals online, Covid restrictions permitting! You can read more about Jessica Ford at https://www.mcgill.ca/redpath/research/student-research-museum/students-green-lab and http://redpath-staff.mcgill.ca/green/students/jess.php.


STARS (Scientists Talk About Research for Staff) is a series of special lunch-hour talks and visits to science related sites and institutes specifically for Faculty of Science support staff.

Bicentennial STARS for 2021

To honour McGill’s Bicentennial year, STARS is celebrating young McGill scientists with seven monthly lunch-hour presentations that will take you behind the scenes to never before seen labs and experimental research areas where graduate students will share all kinds of insights into their work and research efforts.

Register for this STARS event   See more Faculty of Science staff events

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